2700Over the past three years, he's documented the slow death of an institution that was once at the heart of small-town America, 室內裝潢taking photos, collecting postal cards, paying tribute. Many of the postal buildings are historic, some marking the establishment of a 禮服community in a growing nation or the revival of one after a disaster. "The post office helped build the country," Kalish says. "And 酒店打工it's almost like they're trying to destroy themselves." The Malone post office is the only landmark listed if you search for 小型辦公室the town on Google Maps. But it closed down Aug. 9. The next day, across the street, Red's Hop N' Market began providing 酒店兼職limited postal services — selling stamps and fixed-rate shipping boxes alongside live worms, cigarettes and beef jerky. It became the 西服first "Village Post Office" in the country and part of a strategy that the postal service is counting on to help close a massive budget 襯衫gap. KALISH過去3年中走過美國南北記錄了美國郵政的衰落對很多小鎮郵局市民對外實質上的聯繫全球性的經濟問題與美國聯邦政府財政赤字讓這各原來是融資美國的通訊心臟漸漸衰退, 單是東岸幾乎關掉2700間可惜的是有些郵局還是歷史地標 Read more: 禮服http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2099187,00.html#ixzz1eUhjgtdI 

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